
Safety First at The Royal Suites

This Morning The Tenants at The Royal Suites had a planned visit from Constable Dedekker, the Community Safety Officer with The Brockville Police Service. Constable Dedekker came in to talk to the Tenants about Cyber Safety and What to do if they suspect they are being scammed either from the internet or over the phone.

Lots of questions were answered and Constable Dedekker was able to inform the Tenants of different scams that our area is dealing with right now such as the CRA scam, a Family member in trouble, Romance scam, Identity theft & Phishing.

After the Presentation The Tenants were able to go home with some information to better equip themselves with how to handle those situations, how to protect themselves, what to do if they suspect they are being scammed, and what to do if they are a victim of scamming.

Thank you Constable Dedekker for taking the time out of your busy work day to come in and talk to the Tenants at The Royal Suites!

“The first step in avoiding scams is to learn how to spot them” – Unknown

Constable Dedekker talking about “the grand parent scam”

The Royal Suites Tenants getting their questions answered.

Constable Dedekker brought some handouts to help The Tenants remember her safety advice.

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